Wednesday 11 April 2012

Ever Blazing Style

Hi Luvvies,

As some of you may recall one of my first posts was about my kid bro, who i thought had incredible style and has been evolving each day. Well today i am here to share with you his new style, i love how he takes risks, he is his own person and the way he dresses definitely says it. He can be smart, casual, sporty, even play with stuff a bit. I love how he can pull of the bow tie and suspenders look, and how he even makes wearing socks high look dope. I love how me and my brother can talk fashion, share our love for shoes, we can both call each other with a crisis, "what to wear?" and there's nothing we hate like having a "waste of outfit".lol. My brother and my hubby love to dress well, and i love a man who knows how to present himself, who knows what works for him and what doesn't. Anyway here are some pictures of my kid bro for you to see.

What did you think my luvvies? Please do feel free to share. Till next time............

xoxo Yummy Mummy

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