Monday 27 February 2012

MIRACLES: A journey to recovery

My Luvvies,

A couple of weeks ago my dearest, closest friend Harrieth had an accident. She was carrying a jug of VERY hot water and she slipped and it went on her face, a bit on her head and hands. When she bbm'd me to tell me i was in utter shock, i could feel her pain and i was hurting as well. The picture she sent me just brought tears to my eyes, why did this have to happen i thought? Why is it happening to her? Why now? Harrieth had an exam that she was supposed to write in an hour. So she was quickly rushed to the hospital, she said she was screaming because she was in so much pain that they had to inject her with pain relief. Then she resumed to her exam because it was an end of semester exam that could not be postponed.

She would tell me about how some of the friends she thought were her friends turned out not to care, or not care as much as she wanted them to. She said people would stare at her when she would go out, she said most of the times she just wanted to cry, so she would cry silently or wait till she gets home and would let it out. I was very moved and touched, and i would try and tell her all these things to encourage her, that she would get better, she should just give herself time to heal, she should eat well to ensure her skin grows back well, i told her that whatever the case she would still be pretty and she was still pretty, there are so many anti-scaring creams she could use, i told her not to give up, and that she should pray. I am sure i am not the only one who had encouraging words for her.

One thing that everyone told her is how lucky she was. Her burns didn't reach her eye, because if they did then she would have been blind on one side, Her head wasn't bad either, because then she would have had to shave her head, Her nose was partially burnt and her ears, but not bad, Her lips which she loves, were not burnt either, so she will be able to wear that pink MAC lipstick i got her, lol , Her eyebrows that she loves as well, are still there, she wont have to draw them on and mostly it looks like she wont have a scar. Even if she does it wont be a horrible one, nothing she cant cover up with make up.

We live in a world where so much attention is paid into how we look, and we ourselves are always very insecure and critical of our appearances, mostly influenced by what we think beauty is, all these media, celebrities etc, they all play a role. But i think its about time people started to appreciate themselves for what and who they are. We need to learn how to love ourselves and thank GOD for all the good fortune we have in our lives. I always say that, " No matter how your sad and blue, Just know that there's some one whose got it worse than you" and Whitney couldn't have said it better.... "Learning to love yourself
It is the greatest love of all"

Anyway with all that said, my luvvies i am glad to say that Harrieth is looking well, and it has only been a couple of weeks, I am sure she will be even better in days to come. GOD is amazing, and he does listen to our prayers, and mostly he works in miraculous ways. Here are some pictures of Harrieth for you to see her journey towards recovery.



"Ask, and it shall be given to you; seek, and ye shall find; knock, and it shall be opened unto you; for every one that asketh receiveth; and he that seeketh findeth; and him that knocketh it shall be opened."

Till next time......

xoxo Yummy Mummy

Its another Girl

Hello Luvvies,

So a few posts ago i told you about yummy mummy of the week Merylin, well today i am happy to say that she is expecting her second baby, and its another girl. I am so excited and happy for her. I think she is a strong woman and an incredible mother. I wish her nothing but the best.

Till next time......

xoxo Yummy Mummy

Red Carpet at the oscars


As some of you may know last night was the Oscars, and the fashion was amazing as always. There were some beautiful gowns, and ofcourse there were some whose choices were not so good. I personally loved Angelina Jolie, Jennifer Lopez, Cameron Diaz and Milla Jovovich. Anyway here are some pictures for you to see.

Angelina Jolie in Atelier Versace

Jennifer Lopez in a Zuhair Murad dress

Cameron Diaz in Gucci

Milla Jovovich in Eli Saab couture

What did you think my Luvvies? Who wore it best? Who were you favourites? Please do feel free to share. Till next time....

xoxo Yummy Mummy

Saturday 25 February 2012

Yummy Rachel

Hello Luvvies,

Again on my fashion tip, today i will tell you about my friend rachel. Now this lady is confident, and confidence is sexy. She is another person who dresses well, and she does know how to dress them curves. She always looks stunning. One thing she definatily doesnt leave the house without is that beautiful smile.Here are some pictures for you to see.

What did you think my luvvies? Doesn't she rock em killer curves? Please do feel free to share. Till next time.....

xoxo Yummy Mummy

Wednesday 22 February 2012

Queen of Hairstyles

Hello Luvvies,

Today i want to tell you about a friend of mine, Maryqueen, She is another Diva in my eyes and she is the queen of hairstyles. She is always rocking a new hair do and she is always looking stunning. She does anything from weaves, braids and even goes natural at times. How she does it, i dont know, but i bet we all want to know who her hairdresser  Here are some pictures of her hair styles for you to see.

What did you think my luvvies? Doesnt she always look great? Please do feel free to share. Till next time.......

xoxo Yummy Mummy