Saturday 3 December 2011

Favorite Brands

Anyone that knows me will tell you how much I love my brands, when I have a brand I stick to it, I am very loyal,lol. It would take a lot for you to convince me otherwise. The brands that I love are, Heinz for my ketchup. It's my favorite, I think they have the best tasting ketchup, i love how it flows out of the bottle. I eat ketchup with almost everything. I remember the chefs at work used to be so annoyed with me because they said I spoilt the flavor of the food, "uuhhh No!", am making it

Another brand I am crazy for is Coca Cola. Man I love my coke, before I was pregnant I used to drink so much of it, I wouldn't have tea and have coke, coke was more like my water. When we were learning branding in university the lecturer brought 5 cups marked A-E. There was Coke, Pepsi, Dr.Pepper, Diet Coke and Diet Pepsi. When testing I got 4/5. Sometimes it annoys me when I go to a restraurant and they don't have coke but they have Pepsi, and they tell me it's the same, "uuhhh No!" they definitely aren'

What about you my luvvies? What are some of your favorite brands? Please do feel free to share. Till next time...

Xoxo Yummy Mummy

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