Thursday 1 December 2011

Happy Birthday to my Sweet Papi

Today is Pasqal's birthday, i call him papi, its a nickname that started way back when we was still Sweet Papi, because he was the sweetest guy ever and he was FLYyyyy, still From then on thats what i call him and so does everybody else, some of my friends even forget pasqal is his name, funny enough even his mum calls him Anyway me and him have been together almost 5 years,well it will be 5 years in march, and i couldnt be happier. He is my lover, my babys father, my life time partner and my best friend.  

"Papi, GOD knows how thankful i am to have you in my life. You and Sean are my world. His the best thing you could have ever given me, the best thing to come out of our blossoming love, gosh can you believe how far we have come? Seems like just yesterday we were meeting after school, (going to tuiton,lol), Anyway to cut the story short i want to wish you the happiest birthday, Sadly Sean and I are not there with you but you know we are in spirit and in heart. We love you soo much.HAPPY BIRTHDAY"

My luvvies, if there's anyone celebrating their birthday today, then happy birthday. Be Happy, Be greatful. Till next time....

xoxo Yummy Mummy

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