Wednesday, 30 November 2011

X Factor UK: Little Mix

So as you all now i love watching the x factor both UK and US ones. Today i will talk about Little Mix who are also one of my favourite to win this year. They are a group of girls who were put together and they jell so well. They are officially the first girl band to make it through to the semi finals and they deserve to be there. I especially love Leigh-Anne Pinnock, i just love her style. There's just something about her. Anyway here is a clip from one of my favourite performances by them and some pictures too.

Little Mix

Leigh-Anne Pinnock

I would wear all her outfits, love em

What did you think of the performance my luvvies? Did you see what Leigh-Anne Pinnock was wearing? I want that whole Please do feel free to share. Till next time...

xoxo Yummy Mummy

My Yummy Friend

Mariam and I went to high school together. I thought I should tell you about her because she is one of those people who just inspire you, you know. Anyway Mariam was very hard working in school, she was always the top of the class, she clearly is the definition of "Beauty with Brains". She was the valedictorian too.

I call her Mariam gorgeous, I think she is just beautiful. She is so polite, and has good manners. If you are a guy( in Africa) she is definitely the girl you would take to introduce to your Anyway we were not that close in high school because we took different subjects and all, but what was the beginning of a good friendship is when we were organizing a school function. Then we got to know each other and clicked even more during the holidays. Thanks to BLackberry messenger, we now talk more and i can now say she is one of my close friends and I love her so much. She inspires me with how focused she is. She carries herself with such beauty, elegance and poise. This lady is definitely going places.

Here are some gorgeous pictures of her.

I love this picture of her and her mum

loving her hair, great profile Tyra would say

During the holidays, dinner at Spur

In high school,

What did you think my luvvies? Do you have a friend that inspires you? Please do feel free to share. Till next time....

Xoxo Yummy Mummy

Kourtney Kardashian expecting her second baby

When i heard the news that kourtney was expecting her second baby today i was so happy for her. I loooovvvveee everything kardashian. I love their show, and i follow all their blogs, i am always trying to keep up lol. I love them all differently, they are like my own cocktail. lol

Anyway i love kourtney because she is also one very Yummy Mummy. I love seeing pictures of her strolling with Scott and her son Mason. They always look good. I especially love how she dresses Mason. She inspires when it comes to how i dress my son Sean. And because of her i find more fun in it. Girls have alot of clothes to choose from, boys its very limited so you have to be creative and try different things different ways, and for boys its all about the shoes. Anyway here are some pictures of her and Mason and some with Scott too.

What did you think my luvvies? Who inspires you? Please do feel free to share. Till next time...

xoxo Yummy Mummy

Lessons Learned: RESPECT

I want to share with you a very important lesson I learnt a few years back. Growing up in my teenage years I was very stubborn, me and my mum always used to argue, I can actually say I was rude some times and never did what I was told to do. I only did when it suited me, and if I did I would be sulking. The main thing was washing dishes, I used to be so pissed when my mum would call me to do them especially when I was watching my favorite program on TV. I mean we had a maid in the house, why did i have to do them? I thought.

So anyway then I came to study in the UK and I was looking for a part time job. My friend Towera and I ended up at an agency, and they found shifts for us. Sadly we were both sent to different places. I ended up at a primary school, and to my surprise the job was being a kitchen porter. I was in disbelief and shocked, but I could'nt just get there then leave. They had been waiting for me. I had to wear these huge shoes, navy blue trousers, blue polo shirt and a hat. I looked so

The uniform looked something like this.

Anyway then the lady told me where I was supposed to be, from the moment I started till when my shift was over I was by the sink washing dishes, one after the other they kept pilling up, big pots, plates, you name it. I was so tired, I didn't have a break. The lady was so nice to me but she still thought I wasn't fast enough and here I was thinking i was doing it at the speed of The kids were having their lunch and I had to go in the dinning room and get their plates when they were done. Never in my life did I ever think I would be doing that. It reminded me of the time when i was in high school (St. Andrew's in Malawi) when after dinner the workers would come and take our plates. Thankfully I wasn't rude to them but looking back I think I could have done more.

Anyway then my day ended, I was in shock at what had happened, so there I am waiting for the bus to go home, and coincidentally my friend Towera was in the same bus i got into. We just kept saying each other's names. We all didn't know where to start, in the end we just burst into laughter. We laughed all the way home literally in tears. And that was it we said we were not going to go back to that agency again. But we did because we didn't have another job,lol. So when we got there the lady spoke to us saying the places we went to work complained that we were slow. Towera and I glanced at each other trying so hard not to laugh. Then when they were not looking we snuck out and never looked back. Lol.

The moral of the story is that I should have respected and listened to my mum and did what she asked. Because I didn't, that situation found me when i least expected it. I believe our parents are there to guide us and prepare us for the road ahead in life.The bibble says respect your mum and dad so you have a long blessed life. We should respect everyone, no matter who they are or what they do. Respect comes along way, in order to receive it we have to give it.

What did you think my luvvies? What are some of the lessons you have learned in your life? Please do feel free to share. Till next time....

Xoxo Yummy Mummy

Tuesday, 29 November 2011

Blast from the past

My luvvies, my blast from the past today is a moment I can't forget and everytime I think about it I laugh crazy, till It's when me and my besti Esmie went out. We got so drunk as we always would. I remember we were at the bus stop with our other friends waiting for the bus to go home. I don't even know how it happened but we fell. We kept blaming each other. That moment was just hilarious and funny enough some one captured it. What makes me laugh even harder is the expression on Esmie's face as she's touching her head, LMAO. Anyway i will let the picture speak for itself.

What did you think my luvvies? Did you create many different scenarios in your head as how it could have happened,lol? What crazy thing happened when you were drunk? Please do feel free to share. Till next time...

xoxo Yummy Mummy

Victoria Beckham wins at British Fashion Awards

with her award
Victoria Beckham is one of my favourite style icons. I have loved her eversince the spice girls, i remember i wanted to be posh thus my nickname Posh Dee came And I am madly in love with her husband David, I think he is just too fly,lol.

what she wore to the awards
Victoria won an award for best designer brand of the year and I couldn't be more happier for her, I do believe she deserves it. I love her style, she is always looking amazing. She's the reason I wanted to be a yummy mummy, she inspires me, I love it when I See her with her boys and daughter and she's always looking amazing, she's always red carpet ready and that's how I want to be.

Here are some of my favorite pictures of her and some clothes from her collection.

Looking beautiful on her wedding day

Looking fabulous with baby Harper

Dresses from her collection

Sexy Armani advert with her hubby

my favourite hair style on her

Attending the Royal Wedding

Those shoes.....Amazeballs

What did you think of her my luvvies? Does she inspire you to always look your best like she does me? Please do feel free to share. Till next time....

Xoxo Yummy Mummy

Monday, 28 November 2011

Mad about Sneakers

I am a sucka for a guy whose wearing some good kicks. When I see a guy I start from the feet and work my way Two people who have some serious game when it comes to sneakers are,my Man Pascal and my Kid brother Raymond. They have style and they always look fabulous. The top 5 celebrities that Pascal looks up to whose sneaker game is mean as he would say are
1)Kanye West 2) Swizz Beats 3) Amare Studamire 4) Jay-Z and 5) Bow Wow, here are some amazing sneakers for you to drool






What did you think my luvvies? Which celebrity is your favorite when it comes to sneakers? Please do feel free to share. Till next time.....

Xoxo Yummy Mummy