Wednesday 23 November 2011

Ray Ray

It's hard to believe how grown my kid bro is, he has become an exceptional young man.i have got to witness his many changes through the years, for him to find himself and be the Man that he was destined to be.His style has evolved too, I would describe him as a male version of me when it comes to clothes and shopping,lol, he knows how it feels to have your outfit wasted and he knows the golden rule: "don't post a picture up on Facebook of you wearing the same thing as previous pictures" LOL, here are some of my favorite pictures of him and his ever blazing style....he has swag on and off the pitch. 

PS: Go check out his blog too,

What about you my luvvies, do you have anyone who you have noticed change in their style or anything they do? positive change is what am all about, please do feel free to share. Till next time...

Xoxo Yummy Mummy

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